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The Page That Would Have Been Chosen If It Were At Its Best

One was famous for My Left Foot. If only he was English…

Thanks to Dave Crozier. If you have any football lookalikes, please e-mail them to

, marking 'Lookalikes' in the subject field

Ten Posh Footballers Who Might Fancy Applying To Oxford University

1)Lar-di-dars Bohinen
2)Snobby Fowler
3)Mart Silver Spoom
4)Ian Sloan
5)Jamie Wellbredknapp
6)Aristo Stoichkov
7)Jay Jay Okay-yah-ocha
8)Richard Toff
9)Jens Gentremies
10)Anyone who plays for The Posh

If you've got any kind of list for us, e-mail it to, marking 'Lists' in the subject field

Today's question: Only two players in England's Euro 2000 squad have a better than 50% ratio of goals scored to matches started. Who are they?

Yesterday we asked: "The same player was the Premiership's fifth highest scorer in the seasons leading up to both Euro 96 and Euro 2000, who is he?" The answer is Chris Armstrong. He never looked like getting anywhere near the England team, though.

If you've got a trivia question to fox the world, e-mail it to us (with the answer, of course and 'Trivia' in the subject field) at

"You either win or you lose in that job. There's no in between."Terry Venables on the England manager's job.

What about a draw, Tel?

If you've seen a footballing personage talking testicles, send the quote to us at, remembering to put 'Bollocks' in the subject field

You can read hundreds more Football 365 news stories fans' opinions, gossip and funnies by visiting our website at

www.football365.co.uk.Remember - our website is updating all the time.

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Friday 02 June 2000

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