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Fun > Lookalikes
Last Updated: Tuesday 07 March 2000 15:44
Lookalikes - Football people who look like other people

Martin O'Neill And...? - March 7

Danny Murphy And...? - March 6

Ken Bates And....? - March 5

Darren Anderton And...? - March 3

Ryan Giggs And...? - March 2

Antonio Rattin And...? - March 1

David O'Leary And...? - February 29

Lee Bowyer And...? - February 28

Alan Green And...? - February 27

Dietmar Hamann And...?- February 25

Gustavo Poyet And...? - February 24

Giovanni And...? - February 23

Diego Maradona And...? - February 22

Gilles De Bilde And...? - February 21

Joe Royle And...? - February 20

Gilles Grimandi And...? - January 18

Markus Babbel And...? - February 17

John Robinson And...? - February 16

Gareth Southgate And...? - February 15

Duncan Ferguson And...? - February 14

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